Children’s Home
The Shelter is a 36-bed emergency shelter that opened its doors in October, 1989, to provide a safe haven for abused, abandoned and neglected children.

Children, ages birth to 12, are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect and/or abandonment by the State.  The children are placed at the Shelter for a few days, months, or sometimes, even years.  Children over the age of 12 years can be admitted if they are part of a sibling group with younger children.

Staff & Volunteers
Children are cared for by a group of caring and trained staff and assisted by loving volunteers.  The staff provide 24-hour awake supervision.  Volunteers enhance care by helping with meals, tutoring, rocking babies, laundry and much more.

Mental Health Services
Professional therapists provide on-site services to children, specializing in the treatment of trauma-based disorders, behavioral health, infant mental health, and healing victims of sexual abuse.  Services are provided by licensed therapists that have been professionally trained and have a true passion for working with children. The children also receive psychiatric services such as medication management in conjunction with our counseling services to ensure the best outcomes.

Equine Therapy
Hibiscus Children’s Center has partnered with Justin’ Time Stables to provide the children living at the Jensen Beach Shelter with Equine Therapy.  This non-traditional therapy helps build self-esteem, confidence and trust. It can also help children learn social skills while reducing anxiety and depression. And children love it!  This unique program is an expansion of our current mental health program for children and helps build self-esteem and life skills.  “If I am sad when I go see the horses, I feel happy when I see them”.  – Shelter child 

Summer holidays, childhood and family concept. Happy family hands in colorful paints with smiles on background of blue sky with clouds. The bright colors of summer

Medical / Dental Services
Children who are required to receive updated physicals and immunizations receive them within five days of admission.  Medical office staff care for the children’s daily medical needs and appointments. Children also receive dental services in the community.

Educational Services
The children attend public schools and are encouraged to be part of extra-curricular activities.  The Education Coordinator is the liaison with the school counselor and Shelter staff/therapists.  After-school tutoring is provided by volunteers and staff.

Literacy Program
Provides individualized assistance to children whose traumatic experiences have virtually halted the educational process.  The Literacy Coordinator assesses each child and determines his/her academic level.  This program helps to foster a love for reading and provide a fundamental foundation for education. The Literacy Program and tutors for the children are made possible through grants from Children’s Services Council of Martin County and United Way of Martin County.

Enriching Opportunities: The children experience fun and educational outings and activities, including Camp Hibiscus, a ten-week summer camp.

To learn more about the Hibiscus Shelter and to take a tour of our facilities, please contact Lori Swift, Director of Outreach and Events, at  (772) 334-9311, ext. 121 or email: LSwift@hcc4kids.org.

VolunteerPlease contact Erica Reed for Volunteer information at EReed@hcc4kids.org

The Shelter and Village, Hibiscus’ residential facilities, provided over 16,000 safe nights to children last year.   

Thank You to Our Community Partners!

Last year, over 50 children were provided safe haven at the Shelter with an average length of stay of 200 days.

  • 45 children participated in the Literacy Program
  • 99% of children attending school were promoted to next grade level
  • 39 children enrolled in school and 4 children enrolled in preschool/VPK
  • 4 Moving Up Ceremonies & 1 Special Recognition Ceremony
  • 16 Career Pathways to Independence Sessions  (For teens only)


Please contact Erica Reed for Volunteer information at 772-334-9311 ext. 106 or EReed@hcc4kids.org

(Bolded items needed most at this time) 
♥ Young children: Pull Ups (sizes 4T-6T), Wipes, Diapers.
♥ Hygiene: Bodywash, Washcloths & Towels (colored), Sanitary items.
♥ Hair Products: Headbands, Bows & Barrettes, Head wraps and scarves, Eco-Styler Gel, Spray Bottles.
♥ Clothing:  Girls & boys clothing (sizes 4T- small/medium adult), Girls training bras (All sizes), Socks (All sizes), Underwear (boys & girls).
♥ Other: Duffle Bags

Questions about items needed, please contact Andre Glover, Office Manager, at (772) 334-9311, ext. 100  or AGlover@hcc4kids.org

To learn more about the Hibiscus Shelter and to take a tour, please contact Lori Swift, Director of Outreach and Events, at  (772) 334-9311, ext. 121 or LSwift@hcc4kids.org.