Serving St. Lucie & Indian River County Families
CALL TODAY 772-340-5044, ext. 160
Read article “SFC Expands Services to Indian River County”
Hibiscus Children’s Center | 1905 S. 25th Street  | Suite 100 | Fort Pierce, FL  34947

Children & Families:  Families located in St. Lucie and Indian River County reach out for services on a voluntary basis.  The program is for families that have at least one child between the age of birth to 17 years at home and do not have an open case with the Florida Department of  Children and Families (DCF) due to abuse or neglect.

Staff:  Family Advocates are caring staff trained to provide services to families and guidance as they work together through the crisis at hand.  All our staff are trauma-trained professionals.

Prevention Services:  When a family member seeks help for any type of a crisis that affects their family, a Hibiscus Family Advocate will complete an intake evaluation over the phone to begin the process. Once it is determined that the family does not have an open case of abuse or neglect with the State, a Family Advocate is assigned to work with the family seeking assistance. Weekly home visits by the Advocate are arranged and plans are put into place to help alleviate the immediate crisis and minimize the chance of it being repeated in the future.

Services Provided: Case Management Services provided include financial aid to avoid evictions or to reinstate utilities, if funding is available; help with domestic violence and substance abuse issues; and in-home counseling to help parents develop parenting, stress management, jobs and budgeting skills.

 Community Collaborations:  Our Family Advocates work closely with local organizations, non-profits and businesses to help assist families with resources  available in the community.  Referrals are an integral part of this program to ensure families have their needs met.

Last year, over 500 children and families served.
100% of families who completed the program demonstrated knowledge and competency in accessing community resources.  Hibiscus partners with local, government, and non-profit agencies and churches to assist the needs of families.
100% of families who completed services successfully showed improvement in at least 3 of 5 basic minimum needs of the self-sufficiency standard.
SFC Family Advocates assist parents with needed funds, if available, resume writing, job applications and professional attire through Hibiscus Thrift Store.
The SFC Pantry provides families with food, basic household needs, baby supplies and other essentials.

If you need help … Hibiscus Supporting Families in Crisis is just a phone call away. If you would like to learn more about our services, please call us today. We can help!

CALL TODAY 772-340-5044, ext. 160

Download Referral Form

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SFC Video
Will Malone, Program Manager, and Jackie Lindgren, Family Advocate, share about SFC’s services for families.  Former client, Chloe Henry, shares what Hibiscus has meant to her and how our support has helped her heal and overcome trauma.  

Supporting Families in Crisis served over 500 families last year.

The program has a 99% SUCCESS RATE in keeping children out of the Child Welfare System during services and one-year after services.

SFC Helps New Fathertoddler with dad bday(Names changed for privacy)

Austin contacted SFC for help to avoid an eviction which would cause he and his 3-year old daughter Emma to be homeless. At the assessment with Austin, it was discovered that he had just received custody of Emma.  Prior to this, he was not aware that he had a daughter until Emma’s mom recently passed away. Austin used whatever funds he had to provide clothing and necessities for Emma.  The SFC Family Advocate was able to talk to Austin’s landlord and coordinate a payment plan and assist in paying a portion of the rent which resulted in cancelling the eviction. The Family Advocate assisted Austin with reference and the paperwork to secure daycare services for his daughter. The Advocate then reached out to the Hibiscus Thrift Store which was able to supply clothing and bedroom furniture for Emma.   In addition, the Advocate also worked on helping Austin secure food stamps and Medicaid for himself and his daughter.  They went over parenting techniques and what are reasonable expectations for a child this age to help Austin acclimate as a first-time dad. During this time, Austin was unfortunately diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease and was unable to work due to his health. The Advocate assisted Austin with completing social security disability paperwork.
Throughout the years when Austin has a concern or needs advice, he still calls his Family Advocate for help.