Components of Career Pathways to Independence Program
providing youth with career preparation, training and marketable skills.
This program is made possible through a generous grant by:

Village: The Village is a 40-bed group home facility that provides a safe haven for abused youth. There are eight homes including the Graphic Design Impact Center, a Campus Center, GED Lab and outdoor activity/basketball area.
Youth: Youth, ages 12 to 17, are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect and/or abandonment by the State. Youth are placed at the Village for a few days, months, or sometimes, even years. Many youth will “age out of the system” with us at age 18.
Staff & Volunteers: Teens are cared for by a group of caring and trained staff and assisted by loving volunteers. The staff provide a home-like environment including chores and curfews. The Graphic Design Impact Center is led by a professional staff member with graphic design experience.
Graphic Design Impact Center Program: The Graphic Design Impact Center is an on-site career development program for youth that is part of the Career Pathways to Independence Program. This innovative program will enhance competitive employment opportunities for youth and teach them marketable skills. Teens receive training in Adobe Creative Suite including Photoshop, Illustrator and web design. Youth create internal and external projects to gain real world experience. They are encouraged to think creatively while learning new skills like art fundamentals such as illustration, perspective, and sculptures.
Transforming Lives: The specific goal of the program is to expand youth’s horizons and help them help themselves through graphic design and technical skills needed for employment and adulthood. Youth who participate will be better equipped for independence, the world of employment and advancing their education. The cost of child abuse can be devastating to the child, families and the community as–a-whole. Children who experience abuse are nine times more likely to become involved in criminal activity, human trafficking, and develop suicidal ideations. This program will provide employment training of a marketable skill that will help youth overcome these statistics and transform their lives and the effect they will have on their community.
For more information, please contact Geoff Madore at