Hibiscus Children’s Center Receives Impact 100 Grant for Innovative Youth Program
Vero Beach, FL – Hibiscus Children’s Center was honored to be a recipient of an Indian River County Impact 100 Grant Award. This very generous $100,000 grant will be utilized for a new transformational program to benefit the future of our youth, the “Healing Children through Careers – Graphic Design Impact Center”. Hibiscus Children’s Center is deeply grateful to Impact 100 for their innovation and vision that is changing our community and helping Hibiscus Children’s Center, and other wonderful local organizations, to change lives for the better. Impact 100 also awarded a $100,000 grant for the Hibiscus Children’s Center Career Pathways to Independence Program in 2011.
Paul Sexton, Hibiscus Children’s Center CEO and President, stated, “The board, staff and volunteers of Hibiscus Children’s Center could not be more excited and appreciative about this incredible opportunity that Impact 100 is providing for youth. Impact 100 is investing in the lives of teenagers who have been tragically made to feel like they are unworthy and unloved. Impact 100 has helped to empower these young minds with the resources and tools for future educational opportunities and a path towards a successful career. Thank you to Impact 100 for helping youth to rise above the statistics and the negativity that once dominated their lives to a bright and successful future”.
The Graphic Design Impact Center, located at the Hibiscus Children’s Village, is an innovative business program that will enhance competitive employment opportunities for youth and help prepare them for more advanced technical and “white collar” jobs in graphic design, print and distribution. The specific goal of the program is to teach graphic design and printing skills as well as social and life skills so youth become successful community members. The program is divided into five advancing modules with key learning objectives and strategies. Each youth completing one or more projects will receive a certificate of completion for each module. The specific goal of the program is to expand youth’s horizons and help them help themselves through graphic design and technical skills needed for employment and adulthood. The youth who participate will be better equipped for independence, the world of employment and advancing their education.
The cost of child abuse can be devastating to the child, families and the community as–a-whole. Children who experience abuse are nine times more likely to become involved in criminal activity, human trafficking, and develop suicidal ideations. This program will provide employment training of a marketable skill that will help youth overcome these statistics and transform their lives and the effect they will have on the community they live and work in.
For more information about Hibiscus Children’s Center and our services, please contact us at (772) 299-6011, ext. 103 or visit us at HibiscusChildrensCenter.org.